7 Sept 2017


Political Correctness

It's a bitter pill to swallow when you discover that the decision you made to seek security has taken away your future happiness.

The tendency to play it safe instead of listening to your heart and playing for satisfaction, robs us of the joy in life, and we end up bitter and disillusioned.

It is far better to to risk offending societies  concept of normality, than it is to accept mediocrity and bend to the of the will of crowd.

Go with your heart, enjoy your life and live with Joy


Few think Western civilization is on the brink of collapse — but it's also doubtful the Romans and Mesopotamians saw their own demise coming either.

Sent from my Samsung device

21 Aug 2017

HF is Dead!

Well its not dead but propagation is pretty bad these days on HF.

I blew the dust off my icom id-31A and ID-88H and got on D-star late last night and worked 
really fine chaps in New Zealand. My DVAP hotspot was preforming well. 

It really nice to have a real QSO with people instead of just exchanging calls RST and location as in FT-8. 

I  did some antenna work and got my balcony antenna farm (8-) working again. I can now
work 10 meters, assuming it ever comes back. 

For some reason my noise floor on HF is 9+ s-units. Maybe cause everyone is running A/C.

Oh well there's always  Youtube. Time to catch up on what other DIY people are up to.

Well nothing to report this time so I will just say 73 and Catch ya'll down the log.

John aki Dave

15 Aug 2017


It looks like PSK reporter is back up and running.

14 Aug 2017

Difficult times.

Please allow me to apologize in advance, as my posts may be somewhat intermittent for the next
little while.

My dear wife's mother is very ill and is now residing in a nursing home.

For the sake of my wife I will be often traveling to her mothers home town so that my wife
can visit her mom.

In the midst of all this I have been hacked. Seems someone has accessed my
Google account and been modifying my account.

What is most perplexing is that the only obvious changes to my accounts seem to be of a harmless nature. For example the correcting of my grammar and spelling mistakes and addition of punctuation and so forth. Nothing has been deleted, no false emails nothing like that.

It is almost like someone wants me to know that he or she can access my account at
any time and mess with it.

Very strange.

Perhaps I have been careless or the hackers are getting better.

Again thank you for your support.

On advice of counsel I have removed the prior post.

Please continue your support in these difficult times.

Your truly


13 Aug 2017

PSK Reporter Down

I noticed yesterday that the psk reporter is not working. 

It has been reported by several amateur operators around the world. 

I have this from the yahoo site for psk reporter...

For some reason, the system is only importing spots at a low rate (and I 
don't really understand why). The queue of spots to be imported into the 
database is building up faster than it can process them. Also, for some 
reason, the average spot rate has been going up. I suspect that the 
system has fallen over some cliff..... 

Part of the problem is that I'm on vacation at the moment with poor 
internet connectivity. This doesn't help. 

Sorry. I hope that the system will get better soon..... 

I hope they will be back up and running as soon as they can. 

2 Aug 2017

Hi it's Dave. (or so as not to offend the LID's I'll use John)

Seems like some people are now accusing me of trying to hide my identity. by purposely trying to
confuse people about my name. What  load of garbage.

You see how these people think.

Here is the truth.

My name is John David Borland.  My dad's name was John (everyone called him Jack). My mother
decided to call me by my second name David or Dave for short. She didn't want me to be called Jack. I don't know why. You see I couldn't ask her, as both died when I was three years old. So ever since I was a young lad I have been known as Dave.

Then I discovered a great hobby called Amateur Radio. But you do require a license. The department
of Transport known as D.O.T.  required some sort of proof of identity when applying for your
license. My full name as per my birth certificate was required. Thus on my license I am know
as John David Borland.

That's all there is to it. No great conspiracy, no effort to hide, just a simple case of me using my
second name  my late mother and father used.

I am used to Dave now since I have been called that ever since I can remember. But if you call
me John that's certainly ok by me. After that is my name.

Hey maybe I will go by my third given name "Ben" so those LIDs that like to attack me for
not using my name as listed in QRZ, will really be confused. Oh by the way, if you use RAC's
lookup you will see my full name listed so there shouldn't be any confusion.

73's all
