HF is Dead!
Well its not dead but propagation is pretty bad these days on HF.
I blew the dust off my icom id-31A and ID-88H and got on D-star late last night and worked
really fine chaps in New Zealand. My DVAP hotspot was preforming well.
It really nice to have a real QSO with people instead of just exchanging calls RST and location as in FT-8.
I did some antenna work and got my balcony antenna farm (8-) working again. I can now
work 10 meters, assuming it ever comes back.
For some reason my noise floor on HF is 9+ s-units. Maybe cause everyone is running A/C.
Oh well there's always Youtube. Time to catch up on what other DIY people are up to.
Well nothing to report this time so I will just say 73 and Catch ya'll down the log.
John aki Dave
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